Discover our challenging Unseen Passage for Class 9, specifically created for NCERT and CBSE students. Our carefully crafted passages are aimed at improving both reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. With detailed solutions provided, these passages encompass a wide range of topics, promoting holistic development. Elevate your understanding and excel in exams by utilizing our comprehensive resource, thoughtfully tailored for Class 9 students.

Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 1
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
In some countries, they say everyone should have the right to get medical help when they need it. But in the United States, it’s seen more like a special thing for people who can pay for it. It’s treated like buying a TV or VCR, not something everyone gets just because they live there. Healthcare in America used to be very different. Hospitals were mostly places where sick people stayed until they passed away.
Doctors didn’t often work in hospitals, and only those with money could get proper care either at home or in private clinics. Nowadays, health care has improved a lot. The goal now is to give patients continuous care that’s well-connected at all levels. When people leave the hospital, many places have plans to help them continue their care. Someone called a discharge planner to talk about what the patient needs for health care after leaving the hospital.
Nowadays, there’s a lot more to health care than before. Hospitals not only take care of the sick but also plan for what happens after they leave. The idea is to make sure people continue to get the care they need. The discharge planner helps figure out the best way for the patient to keep getting proper health care once they’re back home. It’s all about making sure everyone has the chance to stay healthy, no matter where they come from or how much money they have.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What is the difference in how health care is perceived in the United States compared to some other countries?
- How was healthcare in America different in the past?
- What is the current goal of health care in America?
- What role does a discharge planner play in the health care system?
- Why is health care now considered more than just taking care of the sick in hospitals?
- Find a Synonym for “uninterrupted” as used in the passage.
- Find an Antonym for “ Deteriorate” as used in the passage.
- In the United States, health care is seen as more of a privilege for those who can afford it.
- In the past, hospitals were places where sick people stayed until they passed away, and doctors didn’t often work in hospitals.
- The current goal is to provide patients with continuous and well-connected care at all levels.
- A discharge planner helps figure out the best way for patients to continue getting proper health care after leaving the hospital.
- Nowadays, health care involves planning for what happens after patients leave the hospital, ensuring they continue to receive the care they need.
- continuous
- Improve
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 2
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
Improving your English depends on where you live, especially if you’re in an English-speaking community. If you hear English every day and talk with English-speaking people, it’s an advantage. But having the whole language thrown at you at once can be confusing. It’s better to have a step-by-step course leading up to this experience. It’s also helpful to easily get the kind of English books you like.
Reading a lot is important. Don’t limit yourself to just the books for exams or the textbooks you study intensively. Read many English books for pleasure. Don’t pick books that are too difficult just to learn new words. Choose books that interest you, and make sure they’re not too hard. You shouldn’t have to constantly look up words in the dictionary; that makes learning less fun.
Instead, try to read without stopping too much, guessing the meaning from the context. Extensive reading, not intensive, usually helps you enjoy extra reading and improve your English. You should feel a sense of command over the language. As you read more, you’ll become more familiar with words and sentence patterns, understanding them better in different contexts.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What does the effectiveness of improving your English depend on?
- Why is it an advantage to hear English every day and talk with English-speaking people?
- Why is it suggested to have a step-by-step course for improving English?
- According to the passage, what kind of reading is recommended for improving English?
- What is the key to enjoying extra reading and improving English?
- Find a Synonym for “benefit” as used in the passage.
- Find an Antonym for “extensively” as used in the passage.
- The effectiveness of improving your English depends on where you live, especially if you’re in an English-speaking community.
- It’s an advantage because it helps you become more proficient in the language.
- It’s suggested to avoid confusion when the whole language is thrown at you at once.
- Extensive reading, where you read a lot for pleasure, is recommended for improving English.
- The key is to choose books that interest you and are not too difficult, allowing you to read without constantly looking up words.
- “Advantage”
- “intensively”
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 3
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
On a particular evening, a well-dressed young man stepped into a large textile shop. He captured the attention of the salesmen who assumed he was affluent and likely to make substantial purchases. Eager to assist him, they presented the finest suit lengths and sarees.
However, after a casual examination, he proceeded to the next section featuring readymade goods and then to the hosiery section. As he continued exploring, the salesmen grew doubtful about his intentions. He drew the attention of the manager.
Upon inquiry, the manager questioned the young man about his specific needs. Surprisingly, the man in a fine suit expressed a desire for courteous treatment. He revealed that he had visited the same shop that morning in casual attire, but he got no notice. His pride was hurt and he wanted to assert himself. He had come in good dress only to get decent treatment, not forgetting any textiles. He left without making any purchases.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- Why did the salesmen assume the young man was likely to make substantial purchases?
- What did the salesmen present to the young man in the textile shop?
- When did the young man proceed to the readymade goods and hosiery sections?
- Why did the salesmen grow doubtful about the young man’s intentions?
- What was the young man’s surprising request when questioned by the manager?
- Find a Synonym for “wealthy” as used in the passage.
- Find an Antonym for “yield” as used in the passage.
- The salesmen assumed he was affluent due to his well-dressed appearance.
- The salesmen presented the finest suit lengths and sarees to the young man.
- After a casual examination, the young man moved on to explore readymade goods and the hosiery section.
- The salesmen grew doubtful as the young man continued to explore different sections without making a purchase.
- The young man, dressed in fine attire, expressed a desire for courteous treatment when questioned by the manager.
- “affluent”
- “assert”
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 4
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
One warm afternoon, Mrs. Siva wanted to make some cold drinks for her family. She asked her son, Kumar, to go to the nearby shop to buy a big packet of ice. On his way back from the shop, Kumar spotted a newly- built playground in his neighborhood. He saw many children playing on the slides, swings, and merry-go-round.
They were having a wonderful time. Kumar told himself that he would stay for only a short while. He put the plastic bag full of ice on a bench and joined the other children. However, he began to enjoy himself so much that he soon forgot about everything else.
When Kumar finally decided that he was ready to go home, he was surprised to find that the bag of ice was no longer on the bench. Instead, there was a bag of water. “Someone has stolen my ice!” Kumar exclaimed. “He took my ice and left some water in the plastic bag!” Confused, Kumar looked around the playground, trying to figure out who played the prank.
He heard some kids giggling and saw them pointing at a water balloon fight that started while he was playing. It seems his ice bag got mixed up in the water fun. Kumar joined the laughter, realizing that surprises, even if a bit tricky, can make a regular day super fun and memorable.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- Why did Mrs. Siva ask her son, Kumar, to go to the nearby shop?
- What did Kumar discover on his way back from the shop?
- Why did Kumar initially plan to stay at the playground for only a short while?
- What happened to Kumar’s bag of ice when he returned to the bench?
- How did Kumar react when he realized his ice bag got mixed up in the water fun?
- Find a Synonym for “joke” as used in the passage.
- Find an Antonym for “forgettable” as used in the passage.
- Mrs. Siva wanted Kumar to buy a big packet of ice to make cold drinks for the family.
- Kumar discovered a newly built playground in his neighborhood.
- Kumar initially planned to stay for a short while because he wanted to buy ice and make cold drinks for his family.
- Kumar’s bag of ice was replaced with a bag of water, seemingly taken by someone during a water balloon fight.
- Kumar joined the laughter, realizing that surprises, even if a bit tricky, can make a regular day super fun and memorable.
- “Prank”
- “memorable”
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 5
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin. Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we called him Badru. Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him. Badru became convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always eager to join us in anything we did.
He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for should you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around to find Badru running desperately after you.
One day, we decided to introduce Badru to a group of other pigeons in the park. Surprisingly, he fluffed up his feathers, cooed confidently, and joined the gathering with unexpected enthusiasm. It turned out that beneath his quirky exterior, Badru had a social side. From that day on, he became a regular at the pigeon meet-ups, proving that even the oddest-looking birds can find their flock and spread their wings in unexpected ways, teaching us a lesson about embracing differences with an open heart.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What was the appearance of the pigeon named Badru, and why was he given that name?
- Why did Badru refuse to fly, and how did he move around instead?
- How did the author’s family members have to adjust their pace when walking with Badru?
- What surprising behavior did Badru display when introduced to a group of other pigeons in the park?
- What lesson did Badru teach about embracing differences?
- Find a Synonym for “disgusting” from the passage.
- Find an Antonym for “apathy” from the passage.
- Badru had a revolting and obese appearance, and he was named so due to his feathers pushing through wrinkled scarlet skin.
- Badru refused to fly because of his unorthodox upbringing, and he walked everywhere.
- The author’s family members had to slow down their pace to match Badru if they let him walk, as he couldn’t fly.
- Surprisingly, Badru fluffed up his feathers, cooed confidently, and joined the gathering with unexpected enthusiasm.
- Badru taught a lesson about embracing differences with an open heart by showing that even the oddest-looking birds can find their flock and spread their wings.
- “revolting”
- “enthusiasm”
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 6
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
Homeopathy is an alternative medical approach created by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It involves treating patients with highly diluted remedies. Homeopathic solutions are made by repeatedly diluting substances and vigorously shaking them, with the belief that this amplifies their healing power. This process is called “potentization,” and it continues until no original substance remains.
To pick the right remedy, homeopaths consult reference books known as repertories and consider the patient’s overall symptoms. Homeopathic treatments are generally considered safe but have been criticized for discouraging conventional medical treatments like vaccines and antibiotics. In some highly diluted remedies, there might not be any active molecules left, which contradicts scientific principles.
Modern homeopaths suggest that water has a “memory” that allows remedies to work without containing the original substance, although there’s no scientific support for this idea. Due to the lack of strong scientific evidence and the use of remedies with no active ingredients, homeopathy is often considered pseudoscience.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What is homeopathy, and who is credited with its creation?
- How are homeopathic solutions prepared, and what is the purpose of this process?
- What is the term used to describe the process of repeatedly diluting homeopathic solutions?
- Why has homeopathy faced criticism despite being considered generally safe?
- What is the concept of “water memory” in homeopathy, and does it have scientific support?
- Synonym for ” substitute” as used in the passage.
- Antonym for “reduces” as used in the passage.
- Homeopathy is an alternative medical approach attributed to German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.
- Homeopathic solutions are made by repeatedly diluting substances and shaking them vigorously to amplify their healing effects.
- The process of repeatedly diluting homeopathic solutions is called “potentization.”
- Homeopathy has faced criticism for discouraging conventional medical treatments like vaccines and antibiotics.
- The concept of “water memory” in homeopathy suggests that water can retain the healing properties of substances, but it lacks scientific support.
- “Alternative”
- “Amplifies” “
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 7
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
Fuel is like the magic ingredient that makes our stoves cook food, cars go vroom, and power plants generate electricity. When we burn fuel, it’s like a special mix with the air around us, and it creates heat and light. This special mix is a chemical reaction, and it’s what makes things work. There are different types of fuels: solid fuels, like wood; liquid fuels, like gasoline; and gaseous fuels, like natural gas.
A long time ago, people used wood for fuel because it was easy to find and didn’t cost much. But as wood started to run out, they turned to coal, which has a lot of carbon and burns well. These days, we mostly use liquid fuels from petroleum, but the problem is we’re using it up, and it won’t last forever. We need to find more sustainable alternatives to keep our world running.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What is fuel, and what does it do when burned?
- What are the three main types of fuels mentioned in the passage?
- What did people use as a primary fuel source before coal became popular?
- Why is coal considered an effective fuel?
- What is the primary issue with using petroleum as a fuel source, according to the passage?
- Find an antonym for “solid” as used in the passage.
- Fuel is a substance that, when burned, creates heat and light through a chemical reaction.
- The three main types of fuels mentioned are solid fuels, liquid fuels, and gaseous fuels.
- People used wood as a primary fuel source before coal became popular.
- Coal is considered an effective fuel because it contains a lot of carbon and burns well.
- The primary issue with using petroleum as a fuel source, according to the passage, is that it is non-renewable and won’t last forever.
- “liquid” “
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 8
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
Think of the human body as a fantastic machine that can do many things. To keep this machine running, we need fuel, and that fuel is food. Plants are amazing because they can make their own food using sunlight. But animals can’t do that. Some animals eat plants, while others eat other animals as their food. And then there are animals, like humans, who eat both plants and animals.
Now, the sun is the source of energy for all of us. It’s super powerful, but by the time its energy gets into a plant, it’s not as strong. So, when we eat plants, we get more of the sun’s energy compared to when we eat animals. That’s why it’s a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables.
When an animal eats a plant, it gets even less of the sun’s energy because some of it is used to find and eat the plant. And if another animal eats that first animal, it gets even less energy. That’s because it spent a lot of energy chasing its prey, kind of like how a car needs gasoline to run.
So, all living things need to eat over and over to keep their bodies going. Instead of gasoline, we use food as our fuel.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What is the source of energy for all living things mentioned in the passage?
- Why is it a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables, according to the passage?
- What is the primary source of energy for plants and animals?
(a) Wind
(b) Water
(c) Sun
(d) Fire
- Why do animals that eat other animals as their primary food source receive less energy from the sun compared to herbivores?
(a) Because they have more efficient digestive systems.
(b) Because they are larger.
(c) Because they use a lot of energy to chase their prey.
(d) Because they have a preference for meat.
- What do living things use as fuel instead of gasoline?
(a) Sunlight
(b) Water
(c) Food
(d) Air
- Find a synonym for “energy source” as used in the passage.
- What is the opposite of “weak” as mentioned in the passage?
- The source of energy for all living things mentioned in the passage is the sun.
- It’s a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables because they provide more of the sun’s energy.
- Correct Answer: c) Sun
- Correct Answer: c) Because they use a lot of energy to chase their prey.
- Correct Answer: c) Food
- “fuel”
7.” strong” “
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 9
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
Waking up early in the morning is a great advantage because it helps us start our day’s work well. Early risers do a lot of work while others are still in bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh, and there are fewer noises or distractions, so the work done at that time is usually done well.
Many early risers also find time to exercise in the fresh morning air, which gives them energy for the whole day. Starting early gives them enough time to complete their work without rushing. Once they finish their work, they have a long evening to rest before going to bed early. Getting a good night’s sleep and waking up early in good health is refreshing, and it gives them energy for the new day’s tasks.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- What is the great advantage of waking up early in the morning, according to the passage?
- Why is the early morning a good time for work, as mentioned in the passage?
- How does early rising benefit one’s productivity, as per the passage?
- What advantage does waking up early provide for one’s overall health and well-being?
- How does getting a good night’s sleep benefit those who wake up early, as stated in the passage?
- Find a word that is similar in meaning to “benefit.” as used in the passage.
- Find a word that has the opposite meaning of “late.” as used in the passage.
- The great advantage of waking up early in the morning is that it helps us start our day’s work well.
- The early morning is a good time for work because the mind is fresh, and there are fewer distractions.
- Early rising benefits productivity by allowing individuals to complete their work without rushing.
- Waking up early provides an advantage for overall health and well-being by giving individuals a good night’s rest and a refreshing start to the day.
- Getting a good night’s sleep refreshes and provides energy for the tasks of the new day for those who wake up early.
- “Advantage”
- “early” “
Unseen Passage For Class 9 Passage 10
Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 9 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-
In today’s world, when many countries interact closely, it’s more important than ever to reduce the ignorance people have about each other. We should try to understand a bit about the history and thinking of other nations. It’s a mistake for the English to assume that people from other countries will react the same way they do to political and international situations.
Sometimes, our genuine goodwill and good intentions don’t work because we expect everyone to be just like us. This could be fixed if we had a basic understanding of the history and the social and political conditions that have shaped each nation’s character.
Furthermore, by learning about the historical experiences of different nations, we can foster better relations and avoid misunderstandings. It’s essential to recognize the unique perspectives and reactions that stem from diverse backgrounds. Such understanding can lead to more effective communication and cooperation in our interconnected world.
Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 9 and answer them.
- Why is it important to reduce ignorance about people from other countries in today’s world?
- What does the passage suggest about understanding other nations’ history and thinking?
- According to the passage, what is the mistake that the English often make when dealing with people from other countries?
- What can be done to fix the issue of expecting everyone to be like us, as mentioned in the passage?
- Why does understanding different nations’ historical experiences lead to better relations and fewer misunderstandings?
- What is the main benefit of recognizing the unique perspectives and reactions stemming from diverse backgrounds, according to the passage?
- What is the opposite of “awareness.” as mentioned in the passage?
- Find a synonym for “benevolence” as used in the passage.
- It’s important to reduce ignorance about people from other countries to promote better understanding and cooperation.
- The passage suggests that understanding other nations’ history and thinking is crucial.
- The mistake the English often make is assuming that people from other countries will react the same way they do to political and international situations.
- The issue of expecting everyone to be like us can be fixed by gaining a basic understanding of other nations’ history and the social and political conditions that shaped their character.
- Understanding different nations’ historical experiences leads to better relations and fewer misunderstandings because it helps recognize unique perspectives and reactions.
- The main benefit of recognizing unique perspectives and reactions is more effective communication and cooperation in our interconnected world.
- “ignorance”
- “goodwill” “
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