However, it’s important to note that Kabir’s poetry is often translated in various ways, and different translators may convey the essence of the poem in slightly different ways. Here’s an English rendition of Kabir’s poem “To Thee Thou Hast Drawn My Love“:

To Thee Thou Hast Drawn My Love
To Thee Thou hast drawn my love, O Fakir!
I was sleeping in my own chamber,
and Thou didst awaken me;
striking me with Thy voice, O Fakir!
I was drowning in the deeps of the ocean of this world, and
Thou didst save me: upholding me with Thine arm, O Fakir!
Only one word and no second-
and Thou hast made me tear off all
my bonds, O Fakir!
Kabîr says, ‘Thou hast united Thy heart to my heart, O Fakir! ‘
Also read,
O Servant Where Dost Thou Seek Me Poem by Kabir
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