I write moral stories in English for class 7 article. The students who are looking for some best moral stories for class 7 in english may read this article.
I say you very politly if you are in class 7 and want to learn about something spacial in your life and want to learn by Moral stories. So, this short stories in english for class 7 article helps you a lot. Now scroll down and read the article now.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7

The Greedy Farmer
Once upon a time, in a quaint village, lived a farmer named John. He had a small piece of land on which he grew crops. John was known for his hard work and dedication, but he had a flaw – he was incredibly greedy.
Every year, John would eagerly wait for his crops to grow. One year, he planted a field of wheat. As the wheat stalks started to sprout, John noticed that there were some bare patches in the field. He became worried that he wouldn’t have a bountiful harvest.
One day, John heard about a new fertilizer that promised to make crops grow faster and healthier. Without thinking twice, he rushed to the store and bought the expensive fertilizer. He spread it generously all over his field, hoping for a miraculous result.
Days turned into weeks, and John watched his wheat grow taller than ever before. He was overjoyed by the sight of the lush green field. However, as the time to harvest came closer, John noticed something unusual. The wheat stalks had grown so tall that they couldn’t support the weight of their own grains. The stalks started bending under the load, and some even snapped.
Panicked, John tried to salvage what he could, but it was too late. When the harvest finally came, the yield was much lower than usual, and the quality of wheat was poor. John had ruined his own harvest by being too greedy.
Dejected and disappointed, John realized his mistake. He had been so consumed by his greed for a larger harvest that he had neglected the well-being of his crops. He understood that nature had its own way of doing things and that trying to force things beyond their natural limits could lead to disaster.
From that day on, John vowed to never let his greed get the better of him. He learned to be content with what he had and to respect the balance of nature. His fields flourished once again, and he shared his wisdom with fellow farmers, reminding them that greed could lead to downfall.
And so, the greedy farmer transformed into a wise and humble man, teaching others the valuable lesson he had learned the hard way – that true success comes from understanding and respecting the limits of nature, rather than trying to manipulate and control it for personal gain.
Moral of the story: Greed can lead to self-destruction and harm. It’s important to appreciate and work within the natural balance of things rather than trying to force more than what is sustainable.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Moral stories in english for Lavel 7
The Honest Woodcutter
In a quiet village nestled among tall trees and rolling hills, there lived a woodcutter named Tom. He was known far and wide for his honesty and hard work. Every day, Tom would venture into the forest to gather wood, which he would then sell in the village market.
One bright morning, as Tom set out for his usual routine, he tripped over a small leather pouch hidden under a bush. Curious, he picked it up and found that it contained a large number of shiny gold coins. Tom’s heart raced with excitement, and he immediately thought about how he could use the money to improve his life.
As he held the pouch in his hand, Tom’s thoughts began to drift. He imagined a grand house, fine clothes, and a life of luxury. But soon, his honest nature kicked in. He realized that the pouch must belong to someone who had lost it, and it was his moral duty to find the owner.
Tom decided to ask around the village and see if anyone had lost a pouch of gold coins. He described the pouch to his fellow villagers and posted notices in the village square. Days turned into weeks, but no one came forward to claim the lost pouch.
Finally, one day, a traveler passing through the village heard about Tom’s search for the owner. The traveler described the pouch in detail and revealed that he had lost it while resting under the same bush. Overjoyed, Tom returned the pouch to its rightful owner.
The traveler was immensely grateful and insisted that Tom keep a portion of the gold coins as a reward for his honesty. However, Tom politely declined, saying that his reward was in knowing he had done the right thing.
Word of Tom’s honesty spread throughout the village and beyond. He became an example of integrity and selflessness. People admired his character and respected him even more. As time went on, Tom’s woodcutting business thrived, and he earned the trust and loyalty of his customers.
The villagers would often tell their children the story of the honest woodcutter who chose to do what was right, even when no one was watching. Tom’s actions reminded everyone that honesty and integrity were values worth cherishing.
Moral of the story: Honesty and integrity are virtues that bring respect, trust, and goodwill. Doing what is right, even when it’s difficult, is a trait that can inspire others and lead to true success in life.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Short stories in english for class 7
The Wise Old Owl
In a dense forest, high up in an ancient oak tree, lived a wise old owl named Oliver. Oliver was known throughout the forest for his wisdom and sound advice. Animals of all kinds would seek his guidance whenever they faced a problem or had a question.
One day, a young rabbit named Rosie approached Oliver with a worried expression. “Oh, wise owl,” she began, “I have a dilemma. I found a juicy patch of delicious berries, but I’m afraid to eat them. What if they’re poisonous?”
Oliver listened patiently to Rosie’s concerns and then replied, “My dear Rosie, your caution is wise. It’s important to be careful about what you consume in the forest. To determine if the berries are safe, look for signs of other animals eating them. Animals often have a natural instinct to avoid harmful food.”
Grateful for Oliver’s advice, Rosie decided to observe the berries for a while. She noticed squirrels and birds feasting on the same berries without any ill effects. Feeling reassured, she cautiously tried a few berries and found them to be delicious and safe to eat.
Impressed by Oliver’s wisdom, Rosie spread the word among her fellow rabbits about the old owl’s valuable guidance. Soon, animals from all corners of the forest began seeking Oliver’s advice on various matters.
One day, a young fox named Felix approached Oliver with a question. “Wise owl,” he said, “I want to be the fastest runner in the forest. What should I do?”
Oliver pondered for a moment and then said, “Felix, speed is indeed valuable, but remember that true success lies not only in swiftness but also in strategy. Train diligently, practice different techniques, and learn to anticipate your opponents’ moves. Being quick alone may not guarantee victory.”
Felix took Oliver’s advice to heart and started training both his speed and his strategic thinking. As he practiced, he realized the wisdom in Oliver’s words. Eventually, Felix became not only the fastest runner but also one of the cleverest strategists in the forest.
As time went on, Oliver’s reputation as a wise counselor continued to grow. Animals sought his guidance not only for practical matters but also for matters of the heart and spirit. Oliver taught them the importance of kindness, empathy, and understanding.
The forest became a harmonious place, where animals lived in peace and harmony, respecting each other’s differences and seeking Oliver’s wisdom whenever they faced challenges. And so, the wise old owl’s legacy lived on, reminding everyone that true wisdom comes from a blend of knowledge, experience, and a caring heart.
Moral of the story: Wisdom is a valuable treasure that can guide us through life’s challenges. Seeking advice from those who are experienced and knowledgeable can help us make better decisions and lead a fulfilling and harmonious life.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Long moral stories in english for class 7
The Selfish Elephant and the Kind Mouse
In the heart of the jungle, there lived a large and powerful elephant named Edgar. He was known for his strength and size, but he had a flaw – he was incredibly selfish. He cared only about himself and never considered the needs or feelings of others.
One day, while Edgar was walking near a river, he accidentally stepped on a tiny mouse named Milo. Milo squeaked in pain as Edgar’s massive foot pressed down on him. Edgar, however, barely noticed and continued on his way.
Milo, though shaken and bruised, managed to escape from under Edgar’s foot. He watched as the elephant moved along, showing no remorse for what had happened. Despite the pain he felt, Milo decided to approach Edgar and speak up.
“Excuse me, Mr. Elephant,” Milo said timidly, “I’m just a small mouse, but I also have a life and feelings. It would mean a lot if you could be more careful and considerate of others around you.”
Edgar glanced down at Milo with surprise and then shrugged dismissively. “Why should I care about a tiny creature like you? I have more important things to worry about,” he replied, showing his selfish nature once again.
Undeterred, Milo decided to teach Edgar a lesson about the importance of kindness and consideration. He started performing small acts of kindness for other animals in the jungle. He helped birds build nests, shared food with squirrels, and even assisted ants in their busy work.
Word spread quickly about Milo’s kind deeds, and soon, animals of all sizes admired him for his generous and caring nature. Even though he was small, Milo’s actions made a big impact on the jungle’s community.
As time went on, Milo’s kindness started to affect Edgar as well. He observed how other animals respected and admired the little mouse for his selflessness. Reflecting on his own behavior, Edgar began to realize the error of his ways.
One day, Edgar approached Milo with a sincere apology. “I see now how wrong I’ve been,” he said, his voice humbled. “Your actions have taught me that true strength lies not in size or power, but in the way we treat others.”
From that day on, Edgar changed his ways. He began to consider the feelings and needs of other creatures, and he started to perform acts of kindness as well. The once-selfish elephant became a valued member of the jungle community, admired for his transformation.
And so, the selfish elephant and the kind mouse showed everyone that even the mightiest can learn from the smallest, and that acts of kindness and consideration can bring about positive change, no matter how big or small the creature may be.
Moral of the story: Kindness and consideration towards others, regardless of their size or stature, can lead to personal growth and positive change. Selfishness and disregard for others’ feelings can be transformed through empathy and a willingness to learn from others.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
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Friendship moral stories in english for class 7
The Golden Rule of Friendship
In a vibrant neighborhood, there were two best friends named Alex and Maya. They had been inseparable since they were young children. They shared everything and supported each other through thick and thin.
One day, a new family moved into the neighborhood. They had a daughter named Lily. Alex and Maya were excited to make a new friend and eagerly introduced themselves to Lily. However, as they spent more time with her, they began to notice something troubling.
Lily had a habit of gossiping and spreading rumors about others. She would often say hurtful things behind people’s backs and create conflicts among the neighbors. Alex and Maya were torn between their loyalty to their longtime friend and their desire to be kind to Lily.
One evening, as Alex and Maya sat by the tree in their favorite spot, they had a heart-to-heart conversation. Maya spoke up first, saying, “Alex, I don’t like the way Lily talks about others. It’s not right, and it’s hurting people’s feelings.”
Alex nodded in agreement and replied, “I feel the same way, Maya. But what should we do? We can’t just ignore her, but we also don’t want to be a part of spreading negativity.”
Maya thought for a moment and then smiled. “You know, Alex, there’s a saying my grandmother always told me. It’s called the ‘Golden Rule.’ It means treating others the way you want to be treated. Maybe we can help Lily see the impact of her words by setting an example of kindness.”
Inspired by Maya’s idea, Alex and Maya decided to lead by example. They made a conscious effort to avoid gossip and negative talk. Instead, they focused on uplifting conversations, sharing stories of positivity, and lending a helping hand to their neighbors.
Gradually, Lily started to notice the change in her two friends. She was drawn to their kindness and the way they brought people together. Curious, she asked Maya one day, “Why do you and Alex always seem so happy and friendly?”
Maya took a deep breath and replied, “Lily, we believe in treating others with respect and kindness. The things we say and do can have a big impact on people’s lives. We want to create a positive and supportive community where everyone feels valued.”
Lily reflected on Maya’s words and realized the truth in them. She felt ashamed of her behavior and decided to change her ways. With Maya and Alex’s guidance, she began to build genuine friendships and focused on uplifting conversations.
As time passed, Lily’s reputation transformed from a gossipmonger to a kind and compassionate friend. The neighborhood became a happier and more harmonious place, thanks to the positive influence of the three friends.
And so, Alex, Maya, and Lily learned that true friendship is based on the foundation of kindness, empathy, and treating others with the same respect and consideration that you wish to receive – the essence of the Golden Rule.
Moral of the story: Treating others with kindness and respect, and avoiding hurtful behavior, can lead to strong and meaningful friendships. The “Golden Rule” of treating others as you would like to be treated is a guiding principle that can help create a positive and harmonious community.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Big moral stories in english for class 7
The Lost Starlight
In a quaint village nestled at the foot of a mountain, there lived a young girl named Amelia. Amelia was known for her curiosity and her love for stargazing. Every clear night, she would lie on a grassy hill and gaze at the twinkling stars in the sky.
One evening, as Amelia was gazing at the stars, she noticed a particularly bright and beautiful star. It shone like a diamond, and its light was mesmerizing. Amelia felt a deep connection to this star and decided to call it “Stella.”
Night after night, Amelia would look up at Stella and feel a sense of wonder and joy. She believed that Stella was her guardian star, watching over her and guiding her through life.
One cloudy night, as Amelia looked up at the sky, she couldn’t find Stella anywhere. Panicked, she searched the heavens, but the star was nowhere to be seen. She felt a pang of sadness and loss, as if a dear friend had disappeared.
Amelia’s friends and family tried to console her, but she remained despondent. She couldn’t understand why Stella had vanished, and her days and nights became filled with longing for the star’s return.
One day, an old astronomer named Professor James visited the village. He was renowned for his knowledge of the stars and the universe. Amelia approached him, tears in her eyes, and shared her story of Stella.
Professor James listened intently and then smiled kindly. He explained, “Amelia, stars are like our own lives – they have their own journeys and destinies. Sometimes, they shine brightly for a while and then fade away. Stella might have transformed into a different phase of its existence.”
Amelia felt a glimmer of hope. Professor James continued, “But remember, Amelia, even if Stella is no longer visible, its light and beauty have left a mark in your heart. The connection you felt is a reminder that the universe is full of wonders, and each star has its unique story.”
Amelia’s sadness began to lift as she absorbed the wise words of Professor James. She realized that the memory of Stella would always remain with her, guiding her with its light even if it was no longer in the night sky.
With time, Amelia’s passion for stargazing grew stronger. She continued to marvel at the stars, finding solace and inspiration in their brilliance. And although Stella was no longer visible, Amelia carried its memory with her, a symbol of the beauty and transience of life.
Moral of the story: Just like stars in the sky, life is full of changes and transitions. Cherishing the memories and experiences, even when things change, can bring comfort and inspiration. The story of Stella reminds us to appreciate the beauty of the present moment and find meaning in the journey of life.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
Short stories in english for grade 7
The Curious Kitten
In a charming little village, there lived a curious kitten named Luna. Luna was known for her insatiable curiosity and her knack for getting into all sorts of adventures. She would often wander off from home, exploring the world around her with wide eyes and a twitching tail.
One sunny morning, Luna’s curiosity led her to a lush, enchanting garden on the outskirts of the village. The garden was filled with vibrant flowers, buzzing bees, and fluttering butterflies. Luna’s eyes grew wide with wonder as she took in the beauty around her.
Amidst the flowers, Luna spotted a sparkling butterfly. Mesmerized, she decided to follow it, darting and leaping through the garden. The butterfly led her deeper into the garden, and Luna chased it with boundless energy.
After a while, Luna realized that she had ventured far from home and was completely lost. Panic washed over her as she looked around, unable to recognize any familiar landmarks. She let out a worried mew, feeling scared and alone.
Just then, a wise old owl named Oliver appeared on a nearby branch. He had been watching Luna’s adventures from afar. With a gentle hoot, Oliver called out to Luna, “Don’t be afraid, young one. I’ve seen you exploring with great enthusiasm. But remember, curiosity must always be balanced with caution.”
Luna looked up at Oliver with wide eyes, her heart racing. Oliver continued, “It’s important to explore and learn, but it’s equally vital to know your limits and stay safe. Let me guide you back home.”
Luna felt relieved as Oliver spread his wings and glided down to her. With his guidance, Luna made her way back to the village, her heart filled with gratitude for the wise owl’s help.
Over the following days, Luna reflected on her adventure. She realized that while curiosity was a wonderful trait, it needed to be tempered with caution and awareness. Luna decided to listen to Oliver’s advice and explore the world around her more responsibly.
Luna continued to have many adventures, but now she would always keep an eye on her surroundings and make sure she didn’t stray too far from home. She learned to strike a balance between her insatiable curiosity and the need to stay safe.
As Luna grew older, she became known not just for her curiosity, but also for her wisdom and prudence. She shared Oliver’s teachings with the other kittens in the village, emphasizing the importance of learning and exploring while also being mindful of their surroundings.
And so, Luna’s curious nature, guided by the wisdom of the old owl, led her on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Her story served as a reminder that curiosity is a valuable trait, but it must be accompanied by responsibility and caution.
Moral of the story: Curiosity is a wonderful quality that can lead to new experiences and learning. However, it’s important to exercise caution, be aware of one’s surroundings, and find a balance between exploring and staying safe.
Moral Stories in English for Class 7
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