Hello friends, today again I have brought for you the complete article on Essay on Women Empowerment in English. Women empowerment means the ability of women to take all the decisions related to their life on their own. If you are looking for an essay on Women Empowerment then this article will help you a lot. Let us read Essay on Women Empowerment in English.

Essay on Women Empowerment in English
Respecting women and protecting their interests is the age-old culture of our country. It is an irony that the position of women in Indian society has been extremely contradictory. On one hand she has been glorified as Shakti and on the other hand she has also been called ‘poor and helpless’. Both these extremist concepts have hindered the independent development of women. Since ancient times, efforts to see women as human beings have probably been minimal. The demand for equal status and rights as men has also deceived her greatly. Therefore, till date she has been deprived of even attaining the status of ‘human’.
Thoughtful Development: Women have played a very important role in Indian society for centuries. Indian society stands on its strength. Women have played a very important role in different forms. Be it Sita, Queen of Jhansi, Indira Gandhi or Sarojini Naidu. But still they have been victims of atrocities and exploitation by the cruel society for centuries.
Reservation has been made in the Constitution to protect their interests and to provide equality and justice. Today ‘Women’s Day’ is being celebrated all over the world for women’s development. There is a demand for 33 percent reservation in Parliament. Despite all this, it is becoming a victim of atrocities and exploitation every day. It is plagued by human cruelty and violence.
Although she is educated and is playing an important role in every field, there is a need that she should actually be provided social, economic and political justice. All-round real development of the society will be possible only then. Conclusion: It is clear that due to centuries of subjugation in India, women have not yet been able to fully attain the place they should have in the society and where many daughters-in-law have to lose their lives due to dowry and there are incidents of rape etc. Due to the spread of our civilization and cultural traditions and education and ever-increasing awareness, the women of India are still ahead of the women of the world and are working shoulder to shoulder with men in every field in the progress of the country and society. Putting in her share.
For centuries, women walking on the edge of time have been living amidst many ironies and inconsistencies. Pushyabhogya, companion, companion, mother, sister and half-wife, her exploited and oppressed form in all these forms. The women who were respected for their scholarship in the Vedic period became the beauty of the royal residences in the Mughal period. But due to his struggles, the bonds that bound him to his ability broke. The male dominated society could not stop her abilities. He enthusiastically participated in movements like the freedom struggle and after attaining independence, he got equal status in the Constitution.
Women have had a long journey of struggle from Ram Rajya till now. Women have reached here due to the efforts of many social reformers, voices raised by movements and organizations. There has been almost no change in the social status of women who walk shoulder to shoulder with men in every sphere of life. This male-dominated society wants women who carry dual responsibilities outside the home to consider themselves second class to men. Today’s struggling woman does not easily accept these conflicting expectations.
When today’s woman is given the example of the ideals of Sita or Gandhari, she is unable to accept every aspect of these characters as they are. Country, time, environment and needs have great importance in a person’s life, society cannot live without being influenced by them. There is a world of difference between the social environment of Sita’s time and that of this time. Social worker Mrs. Jyotsna Batra says that it is very difficult to become Sita in today’s environment. Sita was a philosophy in herself. He was born to make mankind understand human values.
To become a role model for others, one has to make many sacrifices like Sita did. Ram and Sita lived their life only for others. Ram knew that the accusation made by the washerman was wrong and false. But instead of resisting him, he sacrificed Sita for the satisfaction of the people. Thinking that Ram’s dignity should not be affected and the people should not point a finger at him, Sita accepted the exile given by her husband and started living in Valmiki’s ashram. Now there is neither a ruler like Ram nor a guru like Valmiki.
We all know that the entire happiness of Sita’s life was centered in her husband. She became her husband’s companion and enjoyed the comfort of a royal palace even in her cottage in Chitrakoot. ‘I liked the royal house in my hut’, this statement of Sita shows her immense faith in her husband Shri Ram. Sita considered herself and Ram to be related by birth. Even today, Indian women consider themselves to be bound by birth to their husbands.
The characters of women who were visionaries of the era and creators of the era are our cultural heritage. We can incorporate the basic elements of his character in our lives. According to Mrs. Dr. Asha Shahid, ‘I have been living in America for almost twenty-four years. We have inculcated the values of Indian origin in our only daughter and have made her aware of the characters of Ramayana and Sita. Actually, Sita was the daughter of the earth. He had shown his power by sliding the heavy bow of Lord Shiva, but the test of fire…?
In today’s time, getting a good education, getting a good job, not becoming a victim of office politics, performing the responsibilities of one’s home and office well, is this any less than a litmus test?
This was the specialty of Sita’s character that she was eager to support her husband in every situation. According to Dr. Manisha Deshpande, Sita’s example is supreme among those devoted to her husband. There is no doubt that she went to the forests with her husband to boost his morale in difficult times, to fulfill the promises taken at the time of marriage, and became his companion.
When I think about Sita, one thing comes to my mind that is the change in our social conditions from Ramrajya till now. The woman of that time must have been devoted to her husband and dutiful. Sita lived up to these qualities. She was a super woman.
Still, Sita’s identity was due to her husband and children like wife of Ram, mother of Lavkush. Her entire life was limited to her family and she continued to fulfill the expectations of the society. I like some things about Sita’s character, like supporting her husband. She was a woman of strong character. Being a woman today, I feel that it is important to have my own identity as an individual. I don’t want to be limited to just the role of a wife, a mother, a sister or a daughter. I want to become an active member of the society.”
Naturally, men and women complement each other. In a modern democratic society in which man is reaching new heights of his personality, the role of women cannot be considered secondary in its construction. In our own country too, ever since the process of transformation of the country into a modern nation begins, we find women playing an active role in social and political processes.
It is another matter that when these processes are given the form of history or national ‘mythology’, then women are presented only as inspiration for men or at the most as such brave women, who were bravely defeated by the circumstances. For. Forces you.
That a woman can have any claim on socio-political wisdom and sense of history is not generally accepted in national narratives. This can be understood from two examples from India’s first war of independence in 1857:
Maharani Lakshmibai was a skilled administrator and leader, but our national narrative portrays her mainly as a warrior warrior. We do not remember anything about Begum Hazrat Mahal of Awadh except that she was also one of the leaders of 1857, whereas Begum Hazrat Mahal was the person who, on behalf of the rebel side, countered the proclamation issued after Victoria’s mutiny. Was released. Be it Laxmibai or Hazratmahal, Motibai or Alkaji – these women were not exceptions, rather their personalities were defined by the general political consciousness of that era. The rise of political consciousness that came after the repression of 1857-58 had its social base in the newly developing middle class. In this upsurge, the position of woman remained symbolic for a long time. There is a need to understand this thing thoroughly.
In the rebellion (1857) which had its roots in tradition, women’s participation was almost equal and in the rebellion whose social base was in the English-speaking Bhadralok, women had the status of inspiration and symbol. This is another proof that the duality of progress and inertia in Indian society is not synonymous with the duality of tradition versus modernity. The aspects of inertia, progresslessness and inhumanity inherent in tradition have their place, but even in modernity, everything is not dynamic and progressive. On the contrary, due to the social basis of modernity that has come into our society and its intellectual sources, the right-wing reactionary aspect of that modernity is more intense than its progressive aspect.
Be it the shameless advocacy of upper casteism in the name of anti-casteism or the stone-cold insensitivity of fascist temperament in the name of cultural nationalism, the social base and intellectual sharpness of all such anti-social and regressive tendencies is supplied by our most modern Bhadralok only. Indians are witness to the fact that women have always been neglected from traditional and social point of view. One of the oldest and most widespread mistakes of human society is that till date Indian women have not been treated with equality and justice.
The makers of the Indian Constitution decided to ensure through various provisions of the Constitution that everyone can get social, political and economic justice, so that every Indian can enjoy freedom as well as equality of opportunity. Hence the Constitution of India. Preamble: Such provisions were made in the fundamental rights and directive principles of the state policy in which women, minorities and weaker sections of the society can get an opportunity to come forward, so that they can also join the mainstream of the country. Women actively participated in India’s freedom struggle and endured many tortures and atrocities.
Therefore, the makers of the Constitution considered it necessary that in order to make the nation strong, organized and progressive, special arrangements should be made for the safety, protection and progress of women, girls and children so that their backwardness can be ended.
Fortunately, in the political field, on the basis of one person one vote, every person of the society, irrespective of caste, sect, gender or religion, has been provided an opportunity of equality. In a democracy and republic, the importance of the “real ruler” i.e. the voter in changing the government or ruler has been presented by changing the governments from time to time. Women got the right to vote and participate in government earlier than women in many countries, especially Islamic countries.
Only in the field of social equality, women and girls have not been able to achieve necessary, adequate and effective equality. On the other hand, atrocities and crimes against women are continuously increasing, which is a matter of concern. This situation becomes more deplorable when there is a clear provision in the fundamental rights mentioned in Part Three of the Constitution that under the right to equality, no person in India will be deprived of protection before the law. (Article 14) and the State shall not discriminate against any Indian citizen on grounds only of sex (Article 15).
It has also been made clear in Part 3 of this article that nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children.
Today there is a need to connect women with the mainstream of the times. Even today women are loving and self-sacrificing. Women are connected to every aspect of the society on the basis of sacrifice and spiritual practice. She is educated. He is self-reliant, conscious of his rights and duties, and struggling. Although women’s education has increased the number of working women today. His selfless service is in every field in our society. However, despite being a housewife and not a working professional, she performs her domestic responsibilities diligently. But still they have to face many problems.
Working women are double victims of family and social exploitation. As time is progressing, Indian women are also moving forward. Today she does not want to become a goddess, she wants to become a good person in the true and true sense. Moral values and human values cannot be denied. Our traditional characters are the heritage of moral values. The ideals of mythological characters are our roots. We should adopt his qualities and eternal ideals which seem appropriate in today’s context.
The personality of today’s fighting woman is reflected in her efficiency and today’s struggling woman has to face not just one but many trials. Women’s Day is being celebrated all over the world today. To protect their interests, 33 percent reservation is being demanded in the Parliament. There is no possibility that this will bring any change in the condition of women who constitute half the world. But people’s attention will definitely go towards this for some time because on this occasion, some articles related to women’s problems will be published in newspapers and magazines and some seminars etc. will also be organised.
Apart from this, our society has its own rules, which increase discrimination against women. These include dowry system, celebrations on the birth of a boy and expressing unhappiness on the birth of a girl, social and religious activities being performed by men only, purdah system, gender testing of unborn babies and abortion of girl foetuses, treatment and other treatments for the boy, etc. regarding morality and character. This includes double standards towards men and women, many social taboos for girls and women and freedom for men etc. Apart from this, women are also discriminated against in many other areas, even though the law prohibits this type of discrimination. This type of discrimination is clearly visible in employment and property rights.
As far as ancestral property is concerned, the man is the heir and controller of the property. Similarly, it is said that women are given equal opportunities in the field of employment, but the reality is that there too they are discriminated against. Many such opportunities also arise. Whereas they are exploited in many ways.
Bringing bills in the interest of women and efforts by the government to create various projects for their development are appropriate, but what is most needed is that it should be made a social movement. Undoubtedly, the government can create awareness about this but the feeling of dynamism towards it should arise from the public only. But the sad thing about this is that nothing is happening. The irony is that the kind of social reform movements that took place in the past to improve the status of women are not taking place today.
Government programs have so far failed to inspire new initiatives among the public in such campaigns. People and organizations dedicated and enthusiastic towards social reform will have to move forward in this direction.
Essay on Women’s Empowerment in English
The nature of any society depends on the status and condition of the women there. The society in which the status of women is strong and respectable, that society will also be strong and strong. If seen, the position of women in ancient Indian society was stronger than in modern times, they had equal rights as men and their participation in all socio-religious activities was mandatory. Harlequin women like Gargi, Apala, Vidyottama are direct examples of this. Over time, as a result of the continuous foreign invasions on India, the status of women gradually declined and at present the situation is such that we are discussing the empowerment of women, that is, the woman who is a form of power in herself, is Annapurna, the main basis of creation. , Its empowerment is being discussed. This fact itself is indicative of his deteriorating condition.
In fact, the social structure of India itself prescribes separate roles for women and men, with the unfortunate result that women are currently discriminated against at every level. Today, no nation in the world, including America, is completely unable to claim that women are not oppressed in any form. At present women are like in the third world, where their rights are limited and duties are unlimited. After a long struggle, Indian women have succeeded in improving their status in the society and making some place for themselves in the society. Positive changes are being seen in the status of women, but the pace of these changes is very slow.
The question of women’s empowerment itself is based on the philosophy of social justice, democracy and integrated social development. Empowerment is a multidimensional process, which tries to adequately develop the ability of women to establish control over socio-economic resources. Empowerment does not mean mere acquisition of power, but through this, the ability to use power is properly developed.
Empowerment is to remove women from social margins and bring them into the mainstream of the society, develop their decision making ability, eliminate their feeling of dependency and inferiority complex. According to government figures, every year 1 lakh 25 thousand women in India become victims of death due to pregnancy or at the time of childbirth. Of the 12 million girls born every year, 30 percent do not live to see their 15th birthday. 72 percent of pregnant rural women are illiterate. Out of every ten girls who take admission in class one, only six make it to class five.
Currently, women contribute more than 60 percent of the working hours worldwide, yet they own only one percent of the wealth. Statistics make it clear that women work six hours more in a day than men. Even after this they are considered unimportant. Fifty percent of working women are victims of harassment at the workplace. According to a survey conducted by the Interregional Council in 1996, only 10 percent of political parties in about 100 countries are led by women. Even in the democratic institutions of developed countries, women are not represented in proportion to their numbers. It happens that the main reasons for increasing crimes against women in the country are religion, if we look at male-female literacy and gender ratio in the country, it is known that caste, class, family structure, marriage system, kinship, industrialization, urbanization, western education and culture, modernization, increasing consumerism, Etcetera.
After independence, gender equality was discussed under Article 14 in the Constitution of India. Hindu Marriage Act 1955; While women were provided social rights through the Special Marriage Act, 1954, Widow Remarriage Act, 1956, and Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956, they were provided property rights through the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. Apart from this, in order to protect his economic rights as well as his dignity, the Factory Act was enacted in 1948 and the Equal Remuneration Act was enacted in 1976.
Women above 18 years of age from all sections of the society, whether educated or uneducated, were given equal voting rights as men. Apart from this, Dowry Prohibition Act and Maternity Benefit Act in 1961, Obscene Imagery Prevention Act in 1986 and Domestic Violence Women Protection Act in 2006 were also passed for the welfare of women.
Making concrete efforts towards women empowerment, the Government established the Department of Women and Child Development in 1985 and the National Commission for Women on 31 January 1992. International Women’s Day started being celebrated in the country from 1992. The Government of India declared the year 2001 as the Year of Women Empowerment. Many schemes and programs have been implemented by the government for the welfare of women, prominent among them are Mahila Samriddhi Yojana, Mahila Samakhya, Indira Mahila Yojana, Balika Samriddhi Yojana, Swayamsiddha Yojana etc. Despite so many efforts made by the government towards the upliftment of women, the condition of women in Indian society is deplorable. Even today, the girl child is an unwanted child in most of the Indian homes. This is the main reason for gender discrimination, which starts at the family level and encourages violence against women. Prevents them from enjoying equal rights and freedom as men in the society.
Apart from this, another major reason for the plight of women in the society is the non-achievement of expected results due to lack of proper implementation of government schemes. It can be said that along with inefficient management, society is equally guilty and responsible for the worsening condition of women. To make the efforts towards women empowerment successful, it is necessary to bring about a change in the mindset of the society, especially the mindset of the women themselves. The society should not just look at women as women but should consider them as human beings and women should also consider themselves strong and not weak. Non-governmental organizations can play a more effective role in this direction. Along with this, social traditions that degrade the status of women should be ended. Concrete efforts should be made towards making women literate. The dignity of women should be respected. Adequate assistance should be given to oppressed women by government and non-government organizations and women’s rights should be improved. For this, self-employment schemes etc. should be given adequate importance.
The ideas related to women empowerment in the seminars and conferences organized from time to time at the national and international level strengthen the fact that it is the need of the present society but the upliftment of women is not possible merely through long speeches and debates. Is. For this, the society will have to water the plant of women empowerment with the water of its efforts, women will have to regain their lost dignity and respect, above all, women will have to create the identity of their existence, their ‘self’. The day this happens, the goal of women empowerment will also be achieved.
Empowering Women: A Catalyst for Social Progress
Women empowerment, a concept that has gained significant momentum in recent years, refers to the process of enabling women to have control over their lives and the ability to make influential decisions in society. It is not just a fundamental right but also a necessary step towards a progressive and equal society. Women’s empowerment encompasses various aspects such as education, economic independence, social and political participation, and access to healthcare. This essay explores the importance of women empowerment and its impact on society.
Educational Empowerment
Education is the cornerstone of women empowerment. When women are educated, they are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Education opens doors to opportunities, enabling women to participate actively in the workforce and contribute meaningfully to the economy. Moreover, educated women are more likely to make informed decisions about their health, family, and community, leading to overall societal progress.
Economic Empowerment
Economic independence is a vital aspect of women empowerment. When women have access to economic resources and employment opportunities, they can achieve financial stability and security. Economic empowerment enables women to support themselves and their families, breaking the cycle of poverty. Furthermore, financially empowered women invest in the education and well-being of their children, ensuring a brighter future for the next generation.
Social and Political Empowerment
Empowering women socially and politically is essential for fostering a just and equal society. Social empowerment involves challenging societal norms and stereotypes that limit women’s potential. It encourages women to voice their opinions, assert their rights, and challenge discriminatory practices. Political empowerment, on the other hand, ensures women’s participation in decision-making processes. When women are represented in political spheres, policies and laws that promote gender equality are more likely to be implemented, leading to a more inclusive society.
Healthcare and Reproductive Rights
Access to healthcare, including reproductive healthcare, is a fundamental right that significantly impacts women’s empowerment. Adequate healthcare ensures women’s well-being and productivity. Moreover, when women have control over their reproductive choices, they can plan their families, pursue education, and engage in economic activities. Reproductive rights empower women to make decisions about their bodies, leading to improved overall health outcomes.
Women empowerment is not just a women’s issue; it is a societal issue that concerns everyone. Empowering women leads to healthier and more prosperous communities. It enhances the overall social fabric by promoting equality and justice. Therefore, it is imperative that societies worldwide invest in women’s education, provide economic opportunities, challenge societal norms, ensure political representation, and guarantee healthcare and reproductive rights. By doing so, we can create a world where every woman has the opportunity to fulfill her potential and contribute significantly to the betterment of society.
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